Davis Cup by BNP Paribas – Barbados vs Ecuador September 14 & 15, 2018 – Pre Tie event Friday August 17


Update August 20, 2018 – Thanks to all who braved the rain to play or support those who did play at last Friday’s Pre Davis Cup tie event – hope all enjoyed the evening. Also remember to save the dates of the tie against Ecuador – September 14 & 15.

Update August 14, 2018 – PRE-TIE EVENT THIS FRIDAY

Dear Tennis Enthusiasts

The Radisson Barbados Davis Cup team will be playing in the Davis Cup Tie against Ecuador coming up on September 14 & 15th and we at the Barbados Tennis Association are extending an invitation to you to come support the Davis Cup Team in a pre-tie event this Friday August 17th at the National Tennis Centre, Wildey, St Michael from 5 -10pm under the theme: Past meets Present & Future.

We are bringing together members of the current Davis Cup team along with several past Davis Cuppers, and of course some of our future players to play friendly warm up matches at this exciting fundraising tennis event.

One of our highlights will be the doubles match between current team members Matthew Foster-Estwick and Xavier Lawrence as they come up against Ryan and Russell Moseley.

There will also be social tennis for anyone interested so contact James Johnson: jjohnsonbarbados@gmail.com or cell 262-8100 to sign up.

Come watch some fantastic tennis action, play and have a few drinks with the tennis community and help raise funds for our tennis stars on Friday night.

July 31, 2018

Barbados will host Ecuador in the Americas Zone Group I relegation play-off second round at the National Tennis Centre, Wildey, St Michael on Friday September 14 and Saturday September 15, 2018, with both nations attempting to avoid dropping into Americas Zone Group II for 2019.

More information regarding tickets and times of play will be posted shortly.