BTA 2020 Tournament Calendar – 366 days of tennis!
Recently updated BTA 2020 Calendar of Events is now available! Following is another taste of what is happening over the next few weeks.
Recently updated BTA 2020 Calendar of Events is now available! Following is another taste of what is happening over the next few weeks.
Book Your Courts Online! 3 week trial of our NEW Online Court Booking System! The BTA is increasing the efficiency of its Association Administration! Let us know what you think.
ROUND 4 results are in ! Check results to find out who is in the lead after Round 4. Round 5 begins February 22.
NEW!!! Saturday Morning Sessions now available. Contact the National Tennis Centre for details at or (246) 427-5300.
Annual subscription fees are now due for renewal. Contact the National Tennis Centre at 427-5300 or email us at with any queries.
The Barbados Tennis Association is conducting a survey and wants to hear from you. Please share your voice with us.
They came, they played, and they CONQUERED. Congratulations Kaipo & Gabrielle – Top 8 King and Queen for 2019.
Wishing all family and friends of tennis a very Merry Christmas.
May your holidays be filled with family, friends, food, fun and LOTS OF TENNIS.
Top 8 2019 FINALS are here! 9am at the National Tennis Centre on December 22 2019. Come out to support!