Spring Tennis10s Festival and Fun Day – Sunday March 31, 2019

Parents / Guardians / Coaches,

Barbados Tennis Association in conjunction with the Advantage Tennis Services is hosting its Annual Spring Tennis10s Festival at the National Tennis Centre on Sunday March 31st  at 1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.

There will be three categories Red, Orange and Green Ball. Children will only be able to enter into one category.

The cost will be $25.00 per child.

There will also be jumping tent, video games zone, barbecued hotdogs and burgers along with drinks for purchase to raise funds for the Association – see Save the Date News below.

We are trying a new system for online entries, so please complete the e-form http://bit.ly/SpringTennis10sRegForm  no later than the 28th March 2019.

Do contact Coach Apple at cell 234-7987 or damien@atstennis.bb with any queries.

All you Tennis10s, Mums and Dads – do come out to have some Fun!