Update October 26, 2018
Final draws can be found at following link
Thanks for coming.
October 11, 2018
Players/Coaches – Please pay close attention to the following:
- The Official fact sheet can be found at 2018 Barbados Cup
- Under 18 Qualifying Sign-in is on Friday October 19, 2018 between 4.00 pm and 6.00 pm at the NATIONAL TENNIS CENTRE, WILDEY, ST MICHAEL.
- Under 18 Main Draw Sign-in is on Sunday October 21, 2018 between 4.00 pm and 6.00 pm at the NATIONAL TENNIS CENTRE, WILDEY, ST MICHAEL
- Sign-in will close promptly at 6.00 pm.
- At Sign-in you are required to bring:
1. Entry fee of Bds $100 (or US $50) in cash only
2. Valid passport - Under 18 Qualifying will start at 9 am on Saturday October 20, 2018 at the NATIONAL TENNIS CENTRE
- Under 18 Main Draw will start at 9 am on Monday October 22, 2018 at the NATIONAL TENNIS CENTRE.
- The Order of Play for each day will be posted daily at the Tournament Hotel and tournament venue and on the following website www.barbadoscup.com
- Players are responsible for finding out when they have to play.
- Under 18 Doubles Sign-in closes on Monday October 22, 2018 at 12.00 noon at the NATIONAL TENNIS CENTRE. Teams must present themselves together at the Referee’s desk to sign-in.
- The Tournament is being played under ITF Junior Regulations 2018. The ITF Junior Circuit Code of Conduct will apply to the Tournament and we expect all Players to observe the Code and not be cited for any Code Violations, which include conduct such as verbal abuse, ball abuse, racquet abuse, audible obscenities, visible obscenities, unsportsmanlike conduct, etc.
- Refreshments will be available at the National Tennis Centre from Saturday October 20, 2018.
Should you have any queries on the above, please contact the BTA or the following as soon as possible via email –
Tournament Director Mr Nima Naderi at nima@tennisconnected.com or
Tournament Referee Mr Avertano Cruz at tano@amcj.com.mx
Good Luck to all of you.